

People seeking light in dark times. From little discouragements like a messy house or a kid that just won’t eat mashed potatoes to larger challenges such as self-harm or the loss of loved ones, we all need a little reminder that every morning brings a new start.


A mom to three kids age five and under, a wife to an amazing cowboy (yes, that’s his real job title), a daughter of our Heavenly Father. A friend. Compassionate. Willing to serve. Enthusiastic about tackling new projects, as long as my overall routine is not changed too much (Hey I’m an ENFJ/P, so that makes me extroverted, intuitive, feeling and…well rounded? haha)


Advocating for Mental Health – Life has dealt me some cards that I would not have picked, but I am choosing to open my heart to you, dear readers, as part of my journey to cope with postpartum depression, anxiety, perfectionism, and other challenges. I want to be a part of the movement that challenges the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Sharing our stories is a good beginning.

Books and stories (especially those with a good hero cycle and a mostly happy ending) – Favorite authors: C.S. Lewis, David Eddings, Robin McKinley, & J.R.R. Tolkien; Favorite movies: Star Wars, Willow, Ever After & The Princess Bride; TV series like Firefly (may you rest in peace)

Creativity – Show me a craft and I’ll give it a whirl. Recent endeavors include paper-folding, decoupage, and spray-painting random furniture. I’m especially good at crocheting, narrowly avoiding burns from a glue gun, and creating things for my kids based on Pinterest, available recyclable goods, and duration of the baby’s nap.

Sharing the Gospel – I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love sharing my testimony of the power of faith, hope, and charity to bless the lives of both others and ourselves.

Agricultural Literacy – I’m a ranch girl, born and raised. We live on a cattle ranch in New Mexico and enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn to ride horses, check waters, or fix fence. (Well, we might only enjoy the first one!) I am all about spreading the ag love with anyone who eats food or wears clothes!